Effective December 1, 2015, all items placed on an Auction List by the Jamaica Customs Agency (JCA) will remain on said list until sold, unless otherwise directed by the CEO/Commissioner of Customs in accordance with Section 88 (2) of the Customs Act which states:
“Where any goods are deposited in a Queen’s Warehouse under the provisions of this Act and the same are not entered for warehousing or delivery from such Queen’s warehouse within three months after such deposit, or within such further period as the Commissioner may direct, and all charges for removal, freight and rent and all other expenses incurred in respect thereof duly paid, such goods may be sold by public auction after one month’s notice being given by publication in the Gazette”.
For additional information, persons may contact us at: 922-5140-8, ext. 3031; or email: joycelyn.payne@jacustoms.gov.jm.